Thursday, September 26, 2019

Personal Statement for residency programs post medical school Essay

Personal Statement for residency programs post medical school - Essay Example Here, I found my pre-medical courses much more challenging than any of the other studies I had previously done. I enjoyed the challenge and found great interest in the seemingly infinite amount of knowledge to be gained. With a growing interest in medicine, I then decided to shadow a number of surgeons. At first, I was fascinated to see the procedures in preparing for surgery. I was impressed with the structure in the operating room. Every detail was handled with absolute precision, ensuring the safety of the patient. I also found that patient care could be heart-warming and was able to envision the type of physician I could become. My next and most profound experience with medicine happened in 2002 during a volunteer medical mission trip to Ecuador. During the time I was there, we offered free medical examinations primarily to children. Some people came in with no complaints, leaving with vitamins and a greater sense of well-being. Others with more serious complications were appropriately sent to the primary hospital in north Quito. Everyone was treated with the utmost respect. They, in return, offered absolute graciousness, which made the trip all worthwhile. All of the volunteers were delighted to be of assistance.

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